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630 miles of storm sewer carry stormwater from more than 53,000 stormwater inlets serving Kansas City.  In addition, KC Water maintains a flood risk management system that includes 13.5 miles of levee and floodwall, operates 15 flood pump stations, and maintains six detention basins.  On an annual basis, the stormwater utility cleans 18,000 storm inlets, repairs and replaces 300 catch basins, and sweeps over 14,000 miles of stormwater gutters.

Property Owners and Tenants:

  • Source Affect
    1. Floodplain Water rising out of the creek and goes into your property.
    2. Hillside Drainage Water trying to get to the creek and goes through your property.
    3. Groundwater Water seeps through the ground, hits bedrock, and flows
    underground to your basement.
    4. Sewer Backup Water enters the wastewater lines, either through seepage or
    through the combined sewer, and backs up into your house.

    Visit the City’s parcel viewer to see your risk from Type 1 – Floodplain flooding. If your property is not within the identified floodplains, your risk is unidentified.
